Wednesday, November 14, 2007

The Move is Complete!

Come check us out at our new location and be sure to comment! You don't even have to sign up for anything to do it.

Tuesday, November 13, 2007

Moving on up!

Please bear with us for the transition period!

Monday, November 12, 2007

We're Moving!

I think one of the reasons that this blog has had trouble taking off is how much trouble it is to actually leave a comment.

I found a new blog where you can either choose login, other, or anonymous. This way you can feel free to post and post often.

We'll keep both blogs going but comment on which blog you would prefer!

Friday, November 9, 2007

End of the Week Five!

Let's get right into the action.

Today's Five Applications:
1. Prisons & Corrections Facilities
2. Cities & Towns
3. Maritime Ports
4. Libraries
5. Courthouses

I am having some trouble getting everyone to participate and comment so I'm open to suggestions. I want to make this blog as useful to you as possible.

Any feedback is much appreciated! What would you like to see here? What could I add that would encourage communication and involvement?


Thursday, November 8, 2007

A Hodgepodge of Applications!

We have applications of all kinds for today's five applications. A list like this really shows off the versatility of possible IP applications.

Today's five applications:

1. Parking Lots
2. Subway/Train Stations
3. Cruise Ships
4. Offices
5. Traffic

Can you think of any off the wall applications? Have an application for a rollercoaster? Post it here! Know someone who has a wacky need for an IP camera application? Post it here!

Leave a comment!

Wednesday, November 7, 2007

On the Move!

Lets get to the good stuff right away this time.

Today's five applications:

1. Health and Social Clubs
2. Airports
3. Buses
4. Charter Buses
5. Ferries & Ferry Terminals

The last three applications are of the most importance today. Mobile application is a market that has yet to be penetrated by IP camera professionals and yet IP Cameras are perfect for the job! In today's comment section lets discuss success stories of mobile applications or thoughts on how to implement such applications.

No questions today, just discuss and comment!

Tuesday, November 6, 2007

Big Time Applications

We're moving into the "big time" application sections of the list. Organizations listed below have a lot of area to cover. Luckily, wireless IP cameras can be networked together very easily so you would have it covered.

Today's Five Applications:
1. Gaming/Casinos
2. Museums
3. Sporting Events
4. Concerts
5. Churches

Resource of the day:
Lens selection is very important for every situation. Here is a guide to help you make the right choice!

Monday, November 5, 2007

Five new applications

I hope everyone had a great weekend! Here is what everyone has been on the edge of their seat for...The next five applications!
1. Child Care
2. Elder Care
3. Truck Stops
4. Coffee Shops
5. Fast Food

Something to consider, wouldn't you feel more secure knowing that your children and elderly parents are being well taken care of and safe. Ask the organizations that watch after them about video surveillance security. With a wireless IP camera setup you would never have to trust your loved ones to chance. Watching video feeds remotely will ensure that you have a constant eye on your children and can make sure that your elderly parents are well taken care of. Wireless IP cameras give you control when and where you need it.

Question of the day: Did you know that wireless IP cameras can be accessed from anywhere that has internet access?

Friday, November 2, 2007

10 More Applications Today!

Hello! Welcome to any new readers that have joined today. Here is a continuation of the list of the TOP 50+ wireless IP camera applications:

11. Check Cashing/Payday Loans
12. Apartment Complexes
13. Property Management
14. Vacation Homes
15. Pharmacies
16. Hospitals
17. Lab Research
18. Campuses
19. School Buses
20. ATM’s/Banks

Question of the day:
Is it important to belong to a security organization or group if you plan to become a wireless IP camera distributor? What are the most popular organizations out there?

Resource of the day:
IP camera reports is a website dedicated to both the wireless IP camera consumer and distributor. A definite addition to your bookmarks!

As a side note: This blog will not be updated on saturday or sunday so stay tuned until Monday! Comments and thoughts are still encouraged!

Thursday, November 1, 2007

Off to a slow start?

Hello everyone and welcome back to the blog! I hope to hear some more input and comments from the readers soon.

To kick things off I've compiled a list of the top 50+ applications for Wireless IP cameras! Lets start with the first ten applications and with further input from you we can get all the way to 50.
Here we go:
1. Convenience Stores
2. Liquor Stores
3. Department Stores
4. Gas Stations
5. Shopping Malls
6. Hardware Stores
7. Gun Shops
8. Car Dealerships
9. Mechanics
10. Dry Cleaners

Question of the day: Are you an owner of one of the above business? If so, would you rather setup the cameras yourself or have an outside company install/train/maintain the system for you?